DUI Defense Lawyers and Attorneys in Montgomery County
DUI is a serious offense with possible mandatory jail time and license suspensions. You can’t afford not to retain an attorney with McMahon, Lentz & Thompson to defend your liberty.
As the circumstances of each and every DUI defense case are different, our attorneys will determine the best strategy to achieve the best outcome in your case. He will give your case the individual attention it deserves.
Our firm is one of the most well-known and highly regarded Montgomery County DUI defense attorneys. Our unmatched track record of success throughout EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA is a testament that your case will be handled with the highest level of skill, experience and diligence. YOU DESERVE AND NEED NOTHING LESS!
See our PA DUI Attorney track record>>
(Twelve recent decisions, 100% Not-Guilty)
First, we conduct a thorough and careful evaluation of the prosecution’s evidence in your particular case, utilizing over twenty five years of experience in handling hundreds of DUI defense cases.
Second, we identify the strengths and weaknesses in the evidence, including field sobriety testing, chemical test results, and evidence of unsafe driving. Often, we can achieve the exclusion of certain prosecution evidence or greatly neutralize its persuasiveness through skillful cross examination, Motions to Suppress, and/or Motions
in Limine.
Lastly, we will proceed to vigorously defend your case at trial unless an attractive non-trial alternative like the ARD Program or House Arrest can be successfully negotiated on your behalf.
Learn more about recent PA DUI Legislation >>
PA DUI Sentencing Law Update >>
An individual charged with a first-offense “Driving Under the Influence” now referred to as “Driving After Imbibing” may be eligible for the A.R.D. Program. This program is an excellent alternative outcome for persons charged with “Driving While Imbibing” for the following reasons:
1) no jail time
2) no criminal conviction, and
3) minimal license suspension
3) expungement of record
Learn more about recent PA DUI A.R.D. Program >>
DUI Frequently Asked Questions >>
Click here for more information on DUI Law in Montgomery County
The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for personal legal advice. You should contact the Law Offices of McMahon, Lentz & Thompson to schedule a Consultation with an attorney who will speak to you regarding your specific situation.