Homicide Offense Lawyer
Our attorneys have extensive experience successfully defending clients in homicide cases, including First Degree Murder, Second Degree Murder, Third Degree Murder and Manslaughter charges throughout the State of Pennsylvania.
Our initial case evaluation will first carefully analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the prosecution’s evidence to pursue the most optimal defense strategy in order to achieve a successful result for the client.
We skillfully select and utilize the most qualified forensic experts, ballistic experts, DNA experts, blood spatter experts, mental health professionals and medical experts in the United States in furtherance of our clients’ defense.
Our attorneys extensive experience in defending homicide cases includes both prosecuting and defending death-penalty First Degree Murder prosecutions, Shaken Baby Syndrome and Homicide by Vehicle cases. We have achieved outright complete acquittals for our clients in many homicide cases and a significant reduction of charges in many others.
Many of these acquittals of our clients involved self-defense cases, mistaken identity, causation, and no specific intent-to-kill situations. Whenever possible, it is critical to achieve a reduction of the level of the homicide charges which will greatly impact the possible sentence.
You can be assured that our attorneys will carefully evaluate your case and zealously defend your interests.
View recent Homicide verdicts >>
The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for personal legal advice. You should contact the Law Offices of McMahon, Lentz & Thompson to schedule a Consultation with an attorney who will speak
to you regarding your specific situation.